DFC Program Overview & Statutory Eligibility Requirements
The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program was started as a result of the passage of the Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997. Since its inception, the DFC Program has funded nearly 3,000 community coalitions addressing youth substance use. To prepare coalitions for the release of the NOFO, this training provides an overview of the DFC Program and Statutory Eligibility requirements, click on the video above.
- Helen Hernandez, MPH, Assistant Director, Office of Drug-Free Communities, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
- Karen Voetsch, MPH, Branch Chief, Drug-Free Communities Branch, Division of Overdose Prevention, NCIPC, CDC
Q&A Moderator
- Wendy Heirendt, MPA, Senior Advisor, Drug-Free Communities Branch, Division of Overdose Prevention, NCIPC, CDC
- DFC Program Overview & Goals
- Definition of a Coalition
- Who Can Apply?
- DFC Statutory Eligibility Requirements